Friday, November 11, 2011

I Got A Feeling That Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night

So I've kind of been really busy lately, thus I've been MIA.  It's actually really fun.  Like the days I accidentally forget my cell in my apt, when we go to the gym.  I get no phone calls, less stress! lol   Well anyways, school's been awesome these past few weeks. I've gone dancing for FREE 4 weekends in a row, made some sweet friends, been getting in shape, learning tons, etc.  Anyways life is just amazing!

Yesterday, our school had it's very first non-instructional dance.  It was a Christian Rave! We had glowsticks, crowd-surfing, snacks, strobe lights, DJ, and over 240 students show up. It was pretty bomb.

Anyways I thought I'd do a quick recap of how life's been this past month.

There was obviously halloween weekend. Which included having a movie marathon, eating junk food and candy, visiting the Dorm's "Haunted House" and midnight shopping for snacks :)

Then there was the harvest festival on campus, where we all got to dress up in our costumes.

We also got to play "Bigger or Better." My group started with a paper clip and after a few hours ended up with these nice chairs.

Then there's always the weekends hanging out with our friends, either doing homework, having movie nights, playing in the arcades or just chilling.  It's pretty awesome.

And then one of my other favorite things to do is go to church on Sundays, eat lunch in the cafeteria, and then form a study group afterwards.

Then on Monday, our new choir "Master Works Chorale" had our very first concert ever.  It was so good, we got to sing Eric Whitacre's "Lux Arumque" and portions of Haydn's Creation and several other pieces. It was outstanding.

I praise God every single day for the tremendous amounts of blessings He has given me.  This doesn't mean life isn't difficult but He's always there and always provides a way to be joyful throughout life's trials.

So now I have to get back to HW and all the stress that develops towards the end of the semester, cause we only have a few more weeks left. CRAZY!

God Bless You All!

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