Sunday, March 18, 2012

and if time ever stood still...

I can assure you, it would happen in that split moment when your heart reaches the maximum adrenaline, the rain beating against your face, fresh air rushing into your lungs, and life's song blasting in your ear.

* * *

Maybe it's the fact that spring break and summer are coming up. Or that it helps me sleep better at night.  Perhaps it's cause for a brief moment life pauses, and winning the race again time seems possible.  Then again, it's probably just because I can.  

But I've started running.  I've never been a runner.  In fact, I've never been able to run before.  Last semester I'd barely last two minutes before I'd be out of breath.  However, this week has been different.  I've really pushed myself to do something new, and I slowly started building up my stamina till yesterday I successfully ran for an entire hour. 

I usually despise the rain, however the other day, my friend and I decided to run outside despite the weather since neither of the treadmills in the workout room were running.  Wow.  Incredible.  It was just the picture I needed to know it's possible to survive the storms in life, in fact, it's possible to thrive despite them.  It's what inspired my song.  God's been teaching me how to see the beauty in trials.  The silver lining in a cloudy day.  Today I actually rushed out flip-flops, shorts, hair undone, no jacket into the hailstorm outside.  Beauty in pain.  So refreshing.  I felt so alive.  Just twirling, feet splashing in icy water, singing out, "and I will dance in the rain."  With a head lifted to heaven, smile shining into the rainy day, arms outstretched, I let the hail beat against my skin. 

Anyways.  Running feels amazing.  Yes, I've been running indoors... but it still feels great.  The endorphins released when working out are sooo addicting!  Lol.  You know, when people say running isn't about what you physically can do but what you put your head to.  They're right. 

Well have a great day, I think I'm gonna go for another run ;)

"Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us..." 
(Hebrews 12:1b)

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